NOTE: This equipment is no longer supported. If you would like to use a laser cutter, please contact the Pearson Hall Makerspace .
The Department of Art & Design has a VyTek FX3-3624 laser cutter/engraver for
use in department-related projects. For safety purposes, the laser cutter must only be
used by authorized users in accordance with the policy document: Laser Cutter Policies and Procedures.
The laser cutter is useful for cutting plywood, acrylic, mylar, paper
and fabric. It can also engrave (i.e. mark the surface of) glass,
stone, treated metals, wood, acrylic and leather. Working with other
materials may be possible but testing would be necessary. The maximum
size of material is 24″ by 36″.
The laser cutter software can accept both vector and raster artwork.
Raster images must be in the form of a monochrome (1-bit) Windows
bitmap. Vector artwork in Adobe Illustrator (CS2) or AutoCAD DXF can be
imported into the laser cutter software and then prepared for cutting.
Raster bitmaps and vector artwork can be combined into one laser cutter
work file. Learn more information regarding file preparation.
Please contact Peter Schwenk if you are an Art & Design faculty person or student who would like a demonstration and/or discuss you project proposal.