The College Breadth requirements are in addition to the University
Breadth requirement. Up to 3 credits from each of the University Breadth
Requirement categories may be used to simultaneously satisfy these
College of Arts and Sciences Breadth Requirements
Group A Creative Arts and Humanities. Nine credits representing at least two areas.
Group B History and Cultural Change. Nine credits representing at least two areas.
Group C Social and Behavioral Sciences. Nine credits representing at least two areas.
Group D Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Technology. A minimum of
seven credits representing at least two areas including a minimum of one
course with an associated laboratory.
If the grade earned is sufficient, a course may be applied toward
more than one requirement (e.g., breadth and major requirements), but
the credits are counted only once toward the total credits for
graduation. If all but one course in a group has been taken in one
department or program, a course cross-listed with that program will not
satisfy the distribution requirement.