Learning Goals/Outcomes
- Students will effectively use written and oral communications to
describe, present, and or critique their work. Attain effective skills
in oral and written communication, quantitative reasoning, and the use
of information technology.
General Education Goal #1
- Students will be able to assemble a body or collection of work in a
coherent form (that communicates a particular intention) for portfolios,
exhibitions, or presentations. Be able to work and learn both
independently and collaboratively.
General Education Goal #3
- Students will use a range of materials to visualize ideas in original ways.
Learn to think critically to solve problems. General Education Goal #2
Understand the diverse ways of thinking that underlie the search for
knowledge in the arts, humanities, sciences and social sciences. General Education Goal #5
Expand understanding and appreciation of human creativity and diverse forms of aesthetic and intellectual expression. General Education Goal #8
- Students will become aware of how their work can intersect with local, national, and international communities and issues.
General Education Goal #4; General Education Goal #7; General Education Goal #9 and General Education Goal #10.
Course Syllabi
By clicking on a course listed below you may review a sample
syllabi which will show the course objectives for our required courses.
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